Sweat Lodge Purification Ceremony

The Spirit of the Earth Medicine Society (SOTEMS) has a fundamental goal to create a pathway to express the unique spirituality of this continent and its people, drawing on the wisdom and healing traditions of many cultures as a starting point. The SOTEMS sweat lodge ceremony has been developed as part of the ongoing creation of a healing community distinctive to contemporary Australia. It is not part of the Lakota (North American Indian) traditions.

  • Sweat Lodge Melbourne
  • Sweat Lodge Adelaide

The sweat lodge is a sacred purification ceremony most often associated with Native American traditions. However, there are many such practices throughout the world…in South America and Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia, Japan, Africa and Australia.

In all these cultures, the central action is the same: heated rocks are placed in an enclosed space. Water is then poured on the rocks to produce intense waves of heat. Sometimes herbs are burned or crushed in the lodge or added to the water to produce a soothing fragrance. Some ceremonies include specific healing procedures and rituals.

The lodge is often built out of pliable saplings, which are bent into a dome-like shape. The frame is covered with skins, tarpaulins or blankets, and then sealed around the bottom. Some sweat lodges are more permanent structures built of stone/mud.

The Symbolism of the Ceremony

The sweat lodge itself is rather like a womb within the Earth: dark, fecund, warm. We live again within Mother Earth. It is circular, and the participants sit in a circle. The circle is a powerful symbol, for in a circle everyone is equal.

The doorway of the lodge faces the East, the origin of new beginnings, the place where the sun begins his journey at sunrise each day. Two important markers map our journey in the sweatlodge:

  • The myth that forms the basis of the ceremony is the map of the journey, which we all take to the centre of our worlds.
  • The four directions and their virtues mark both the inner and outer worlds we live in.
Ungur Web
  • East: Sky father, purpose and direction, the sun, creative seed. Gwana the great wedge tail eagle.
  • North: Courage, strength and endurance, the vitality of youth. Moving into and through difficulty. The Goanna.
  • West: Earth mother, moon, healing, humility and compassion. Ungur the snake.
  • South: Wisdom, guidance and intuition. Our special connection with Nature (totem), experience and knowledge, which comes with age. The Dingo.

Why participate in the ceremony?

The sweat lodge encompasses both beginnings and endings. Each time we take part in a ceremony, we take a journey to the centre of our being, joined with the others in the sweat lodge and yet also alone. It is about birth, death and rebirth. We change as a result of participating.

During the ceremony, much will be asked of you. It may be very hot, dark, oxygen starved and claustrophobic. But each of us needs to call upon our inner strength (not bravado) and move into and through the discomfort with quiet dignity. Indeed, dignity is a central value in the sweat lodge.

Great richness flows from maintaining this focus. We chant to help us concentrate on the journey and not the uncomfortable physical environment and our fears. Chanting also helps us to breathe easily and to compose ourselves.

Physiologically, the lodge helps to tune the autonomic nervous system, creating a new internal balance, smoothing out the peaks and lows of emotional and energetic changes. Spider carrying Egg
Psychologically, it fosters feelings of wellbeing, peace and self-worth. It is a powerful tool for growth and also for specific kinds of life difficulties, emotional turbulence and trauma.

There is an intrinsic value arising from participation in the sweat lodge. It is not a competitive experience; no contest exists to see who can ‘tough it out’ the longest. One measures the distance travelled and spiritual gains by personal standards. No criticism applies to those who leave before the ritual is finished.

Health considerations

The sweat lodge is not advised for pregnant women, people taking tranquillisers or antipsychotic drugs, or people with any of the following conditions:

  • cardiovascular problems
  • respiratory infections (colds /flu or any COVID-19 related symptoms)
  • kidney problems
  • diabetes
  • contagious skin disorders
  • hepatitis
  • claustrophobia
  • alcohol or drug addiction
  • exposure to an infectious disease or have been in a known region of an infectious outbreak

Please discuss any concerns you may have with the ceremonial leader before you participate.

COVID-19 Protocols and Restrictions

Due to the intimate nature of the sweatlodge ceremony and the current state to state restrictions, there are a number of conditions required within each state when attending a sweat lodge ceremony.


For sweatlodges running in Victoria at Ceres, the following requirements are to be met before attending a sweatlodge :

  1. Sweatlodges will be held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 6pm (Be there no later than 5:30pm for all participants)
  2. Attendance will be restricted to a maximum of 12 people including the facilitator and assistant. (ie 10 participants)
  3. All participants must book and register for the sweatlodge prior to attending. This can be done by phoning Teena (0405 447 093) or John (0432 540 570) and registering your attendance.
  4. As a religious ceremony, there are no pandemic related restrictions on who can attend, however all participants must not have any COVID-19 related symptoms within the lead up to the ceremony or must be tested negative for COVID-19.
  5. Bring food to share after the ceremony, however if you prefer not to partake in communal food sharing, please ensure you bring nourishment for yourself for after the sweatlodge while recovering from the ceremony before you drive home.


Please phone the contacts on this page in WA & SA to discuss the requirements and availability related the specific cirucmstances within each state.

Preparation on the day of the ceremony

  • Drink 2 to 3 litres of water. Stop at least 1 hour prior to the ceremony.
  • Eat lightly on the morning of the sweat and do not eat food for 6-8 hours prior
  • Do not drink coffee or alcohol.
  • Alcohol or drug use (including marijuana) should be avoided in the days leading up to a sweat lodge
  • Do not wear contact lenses or jewellery in the sweat.
  • PLEASE NOTE: If the weather prediction is for the temperature to exceed 35 degree Celsius, the sweat lodge is normally cancelled. This is to ensure no one becomes overly dehydrated or overheated.

Please also read and familiarise yourself with the SOTEMS sweat lodge safety practices and protocols.

What to bring with you

Towel, sarong/loose shorts, bandana; water and/or isotonic drinks such as Gatorade, Powerade or coconut water to hydrate and replenish electrolytes after the the ceremony.

Please leave valuables at home.

Cost per sweat lodge is $30.

If this is your first sweat with SOTEMS, you will also be asked to sign a waiver form which you can download and sign from here [SL Waiver Form]. This is to ensure you have understood your preparation requirements and also an opportunity to indicate any health concerns you might have.

After a sweat, drinking and eating are necessary to replenish the body’s electrolytes. Rest and a good night’s sleep are recommended.